public class是什么意思
的有关信息介绍如下:public class公共类;公开课;类名例句1.Create the public class and the content adapter variables.创建公有类和内容适配器变量。2.Provides the name of the public class field that represents that element.提供表示该元素的公共类字段的名称。3.Provides the name of the public class field that represents that attribute.提供表示该属性的公共类字段的名称。4.A public class must have at least one public member or protected constructor.一个公有的类必须至少有一个公有成员或保护构造体。5.A COM client can create an instance of a public class in an assembly and call the public members of the class.COM客户端可以创建程序集中公共类的实例并调用该类的公共成员。