roger that 和 copy that 的区别
的有关信息介绍如下:ROGER THAT通常会用于下属收到上司通过无线电发出的作战命令作出的回应(较尊敬的语气); 而COPY THAT则是引申出来的用语,通常会用于战友、同事间互通信息的回应(比ROGER THAT语气稍弱);这种情况也可用ROGER THAT。
roger that 和 copy that 的来源是部队在通讯设备里回答明白说着收到会用这两个。但由于受到美国军队和警方,以及某些电影的影响,已经变成了很多地区的口语了。
Copy that 更突出了会照对方做的意思,而 Roger that 主要就是收到了的意思。
"Roger that, " Jack replied.
“收到。” 杰克答道。
I told Roger that what he had said made me more likely to run.
I told Roger that what he had just said showed what was wrong with the administration.
Obviously, if you know which file has changed you could only copy that, but you won't always know this information.
Once completed, you can then copy that collector file to another system, extract it, and then run the appropriate collection script.
They can then copy that instance as an image and re-instantiate it in one of the other pools to perform pre-production testing, or deploy the instance in the live production environment.
然后,用户可以将该实例作为一个映像复制,在另外两个池中的一个中重新实例化该实例 ,以便执行预生产测试;或者在实时生产环境中部署实例。