
谁能帮忙翻译一下歌词 Jonathan Rhys Meyers - this time

谁能帮忙翻译一下歌词 Jonathan Rhys Meyers - this time


谁能帮忙翻译一下歌词 Jonathan Rhys Meyers - this time

Tonight the sky above 今晚,夜幕当空Reminds me of you, love 让我又想起了你,我的爱Walking through wintertime 在冬日穿行而过Where the stars all shine 所有星辰闪耀的地方 The angel on the stairs 阶梯上的天使Will tell you I was there 会告诉你我在那里Under the front porch light 在前门廊的灯光里On a mystery night 在一个神秘的夜晚 I've been sitting watching life 我一直蹲坐着,观察生命从边缘流过pass from the sidelines Been waiting for a dream 我一直等待着,一个梦透过我的百叶窗to seep in through my blinds I wondered what might happen 我想知道,如果我丢下这一切于身后,会发生什么if I left this all behind Would the wind be at my back ?我是否能够让风来追赶我? Could I get you off my mind 我能否将你逐出我的心境?This time 此刻 The neon lights in bars 酒吧里的霓虹灯And headlights from the cars 和车前的光芒Have started a symphony 在我的内心Inside of me 开始了一曲交响乐The things I left behind 那些我遗落在身后的东西Have melted in my mind 已经在我的心里融化消散And now there's a purity 此刻,我的内心Inside of me 只留纯净歌词写得不错,只可惜没听过歌