




最近知新共学的外刊群和翻译群经常碰到where的一个特殊用法,表示事物之间的对比,比如外刊群读过的这个句子:Where Mr Wilson focuses on the origins of creativity, Anthony Brandt and David Eagleman, a composer and a neuroscientist, focus in “The Runaway Species” on the act of creation.还有翻译群翻译过的这个句子:Where now a worker might pop into the coffee shop before going to work, for example, a latte might soon be delivered in a driverless vehicle.没有上下文语境,单纯就这两个句子来看,应该多少也能理解到一些,主要是说A是怎样的情况,而B又是怎样的情况。这里涉及到where的一个用法:used to say that one person, thing, opinion etc is different from another〔表示某人、某物、某观点等与众不同〕Where others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions. 别人或许这样就满足了,可道森却有更大的雄心。这种用法的where作为主从连词,表示的就不是地点了,而是用来讲主句和从句所说的两件事做一个对比,后面接陈述句。再举一个例句感受一下:Where I used to see a child who was always a bit self-conscious, I now see a young man who is infused with genuine self-assuredness because he has more tattos than any one else he known.原先我常看到的,是一个总是有点害羞的小孩子,而现在我看见的,却是这样一个青年人,他因为身上的刺青比他所认识的任何人都多,而洋溢着一种真正的自信。回到开头提到的那两句话上,其实很简单:Where Mr Wilson focuses on the origins of creativity, Anthony Brandt and David Eagleman, a composer and a neuroscientist, focus in “The Runaway Species” on the act of creation.对比的是Mr Wilson和Anthony Brandt and David Eagleman在研究方向上的不同:威尔逊关注的是创造力的起源,作曲家安东尼·勃兰特(Anthony Brandt)和神经学家大卫·伊格曼(David Eagleman)在《失控的物种》(The Runaway Species)一书中关注的则是创造这种行为。Where now a worker might pop into the coffee shop before going to work, for example, a latte might soon be delivered in a driverless vehicle.对比的是现在和未来消费场景的不同:例如,现在的员工可能会在上班前去咖啡店,也许很快就会有无人车来送拿铁了。写到这里,忽然想到我们耳熟能详的where there is a will, there is a way中的where应该也是属于此例。So, 下次再在外刊中碰到这个词,应该就能一眼识别了吧。福州翻译ivy左手育儿,右手翻译追求家庭与事业之间的最大公约数国家人事部二级口笔译厦门大学口译三级