
英语翻译 2010年8月7日,中国西北甘肃省舟曲县突发特大泥石流,给当地群众造成了巨大伤害和损伤——

英语翻译 2010年8月7日,中国西北甘肃省舟曲县突发特大泥石流,给当地群众造成了巨大伤害和损伤——


英语翻译 2010年8月7日,中国西北甘肃省舟曲县突发特大泥石流,给当地群众造成了巨大伤害和损伤——

额,你还真够懒惰的,你不想要那么多其实可以直接删除一些就是了。看看这个Zhouqu mudslide(人工编写并翻译,请查实)On August 7th, 2010, a powerful mudslide struck Zhouqu, a county in Northwest China's Gansu province. It brought a huge damage and hurt to local people and caused many houses to break down and more one thousand people to die. Many people had no place to live and no water and electricity, the food supply was so urgent. Facing this serious disaster, our government adopted urgent methods, people all over the country offered help to local area. In this disaster, the government made a rapid reaction and action, arranged and organized armies and aid lorries to the local area, many people alive under construction were helped and the wounded were sent to the nearest hospitals. In short days all sorts of necessities of life came to Zhouqu. We have to say that the power of people is so strong, even the disaster is so huge, under the help of people all over the country, every disaster is small and could not frighten anyone.