Sleepy Hollow
的有关信息介绍如下:我只知道几句小鬼当家的台词,希望能帮上忙(是自己写的,可能不象剧本).home alone:Harry(short for H,the thief ):girls,excuse me.son,son.big falle,little guy.little guy.好象太简单了,调几句难的(按顺序的).Kevin(short for K):Mom,Uncle Frank won't let me watch the movie,but the big kids can.Why can't I?He's just being a jerk.……Linne:So,Kevin,what are you so worried about?You know mother often packs for you.You're the French call ……P.S you have to sleep on hide-a-bed with Fuller,If he drinks,he will wet the bed.K:This house is so of people,it makes me sick,when I grow up and get married,I'm living alone.Did you hear me?I'm living alone.……Buzz:I wouldn't let you sleep in my room,if you were growing on my ass.(待续)如果楼主有问题,我可添加(只是小鬼当家)